Sunday, May 13, 2007

Portrait of A Girl As Someone I Care About - Camden

prompt: boys don't make passes at girls who. . .
(may 12, 2007)


She liked to weave flowers into chains and tie them around her friends' arms. Camden got off a with a bracelet, but Andrew had an ornate head piece of daisies, which was placed upon his head like the crowning of the King of England. She walked him to class to make sure he kept it on. Poor guy, but he didn’t complain, just tugged at the chain because he didn’t know what to do with. Camden kept her daisy chain. Andrew threw his away. They never discussed this.

She, with her friends, sometimes including Andrew and Camden, held parties. One-hundred percent sober with 70's french disco and 90's boypop and the occasional indie ballad that had everyone screaming, singing, “you’ve got a nerve to be asking a favor.” She never thought about the lyrics she was singing. She supposed they didn’t mean anything, as lyrics are wont to do.

But the parties weren’t all music and flailing-like-dancing and someone’s mother-cooked salad. She brought out French word games and ornate, involved, roleplaying logic riddles for her guests to solve under the twinkling of the tiny disco ball, bought for five dollars. Andrew liked the abstract thinking because he was a white boy with a new found love for rap. Camden liked dancing better. They never discussed this.

Although she was a drummer, she was a musician. Her rhythm was musical - Camden’s father said so. She was stoic behind the kit, not one of those drummers who moved or smiled. Her and her two friends (not including Andrew and Camden, though they were loyal concert goers; Camden learned all the lyrics and whispered along at every show while Andrew learned every guitar part and played restlessly against the floors, the chairs, the tables, the people of the venues he followed the band to - they never discussed this either) had a band, wrote some songs, more then enough for a decent sized album. The general opinion was that they had written one of the best songs in the universe, but this was only the general opinion of a few select people.

So she was a fan of daisies and parties and drums and abstract thinking and 70's French disco and 90's boypop and bubbles and creeks and picnics and cartwheels and somersaults in the sunshine of high school but she was the biggest fan of her friends, including Camden and Andrew. They never discussed but they should have because if they had, they might have known how to be as big a fan of her. Unfortunately, they didn’t. Now Andrew can’t make daisy chains and Camden has no logic so instead they sit in silence together and wonder what to do for Tessa.

1 comment:

Greg Kimura said...

Very nice portrait, Camden. Of the person, but especially of the complex relationship between you all.