Saturday, May 19, 2007

Movie Star Crush - Maya

Prompt: Movie star crush

“Please, please!”

“Come on! You’ve already seen that movie six times. I’ve seen it twice. Enough already!”

“Oh, come on. Who knows when he’s going to make another one? I gotta go see it. Come with me. Please.”

I didn’t want to go. I mean, I liked him and all that, and the movie wasn’t bad. But twice was enough for me.

“Come on! We’ve got to leave or we’ll miss the cheap admission.”

“Oh, all right.”

God, she drives me nuts. But what could I do? She’s my best friend. We’ve been best friends since third grade. She was there for me when Uncle Lou died. I helped her through her mom’s bout with cancer. We knew each others' dreams and fantasies. We worked it out so we’d be sure to go to the same summer camp. People teased us and called us “the twins.” Not that we look alike. We’re just pretty inseparable.

Now she had this unbearable crush on a hunky blonde movie star. God! I didn’t get it. Sure, he’s cute and all, but what is the big deal? I was starting to worry about her. The crush, well, it was starting to feel like an obsession.

“Next thing I know You’ll be starting a stupid fan website or something.”

She looked at me, surprised. No, not surprised, guilty.

“You didn’t!”

“Well, no, I didn’t start one. But I, well, I kind of joined one. Or two.”

“Oh. My. God. How many?”

“Well, only three. And a couple of blogs.”

“This is getting out of control,” I told her. “You are sick. No, really. You are in over your head. How much time are you wasting mooning over some guy you’ll never even get to meet?”

“I know.... I can’t help it. There’s just something about him. The way he looks at you.”

“Looks at you! He doesn’t look at you! He doesn’t even know you exist.”

“I know that. I’m not stupid.”

“Well, you’re acting stupid. I can’t believe I’m going along with this.”

We drove in silence the rest of the way.

When it got dark in the theater and the feature began I stole looks at her. She was entranced. I mean, she was practically drooling. What had happened to her? I didn’t know whether to laugh and hope it would pass or organize some sort of intervention. My best friend was gone, and I was left with this mindless, slobbering idiot. She had a wistful grin of longing and lust on her face. God! Movie star crush!

1 comment:

Greg Kimura said...

Yep, that's exactly how it is, and it doens't matter how old you are. My wife asked me the other day, "If you could have dinner with any two people in the world, who would they be?" I immediately said, "Abraham Lincoln and Peggy Fleming." She paused with an expression of, "what kind of combination of people is that?"

The interesting thing is, I was at Peggy's book signing at Kepler's a number of years ago, and as she was signing my copy, I said, "Hi Peggy, my name is Greg Kimura and I'm a freelance writer. I would love to do an interview with you about your book." I probably wasn't that smooth, and she looked a little startled at my request, but like a true Superstar (Superstar = a star who transcend his or her particular sport or art), she immediately recovered, flashed that million dollar smile and passed me on to her fierce-looking young publicist who gave her number instead.

I never followed up. I think I didn't want to ruin the fantasy of Peggy Fleming by metting the reality. Thing is, I don't think she would've disappointed!