Saturday, February 28, 2009

a random act of kindness - Dixie

I gave her three quarters to put in her pocket
because we were walking down Balboa Avenue
and there were homeless people
with their saggy flack jackets
tired eyes, shopping carts
their overgrown beards
and cardboard signs
outside the Gucci store
across from the Andale Cafe
and elsewhere

"Here, mister," she said

a careful quarter into his hand
she gave him her four-year old smile
and her hope too which he
put in his pocket
for later

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

confession of an inanimate object - Dixie

Ha, ha.
This is fun.
I am the king!
I am the only slot machine at Eddie's Quick Mart and Fixit Shop.
Everyone notices me now.
No long rows of stupid machines that all look the same.
No endless whining people who don't know a cherry from a 7.
Here, I am appreciated.
My age is not a handicap because at Eddie's, people don't go for that digital crap.
They want a stiff pull arm that fights back.
They like the classic clang clang ding! of the jackpot, not some lame tune that sounds like Sesame Street.
They get all excited at my occasional blackouts and whack me on the side, like a giant drum.
It's our dance. Yeah! Cha cha cha!
Then I give them the spinning lemons and light up like a Christmas tree!
Santa Claus, that's me, bringing cheer to this little dump
way out in the dark
Tonopah nowhere
purgatory graveyard
all alone ...
I miss Las Vegas.

confessions of an inanimate object

confessions of an inanimate object

“Confess! Confess? Why should I? To confess means to acknowledge I’ve done something wrong. But I mean, define your terms here. Tell me, precisely, what “wrong” means. does it mean “illegal?” Immoral? Against some petty bourgeois idea of how things are, or rather, ought to be? Does the same judgement apply in Des Moines? Darfur? Dresden? Tell me, huh? not sure? OK then, so how general is this judgement, eh? Wrong? Wrong? You got a lot of nerve telling me I’ve done something wrong. And if I haven’t, then why do you insist that I confess?

The world sustains a whole range of behavior. What I’ve done, or might have done, or allegedly did do, may be unexpected, may be not what you would consider natural - hey, that’s a good one, natural. You guys in the early 21st century really pride yourselves on being natural, don’t you? Whatever that means. Normal? Come on, you know, that word should have been discontinued along with Freud’s proclamations and orations. Acceptable? Healthy? Appropriate? By whose lights? in what playpen? Sez who?

Come on, people, come down off your soapboxes. Climb out from under the slime that forms the very underpinnings of your code of ethics. No killing, yeah, right! No sexual misbehavior, no stealing, no lying, no intoxicants - give me a break! The blatant hypocrisy! The arrogance! the hubris! You are bottom feeders. You are hypocrites! Are you without sin? Then what possibly entitles you to cast the first stone? You, you pathetic whimpering parasites. You naddering n’er do-wells. You sinister soulless sycophants.

Monday, February 23, 2009

2009 Prompts

1. safe deposit box
2. arranged
3. how to be happy
4. a momentary lapse of irresponsibility
5. curiously cheerful
6. scissors with black handles

1. predictability
2. East meets West

1. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, Sicilians do not appreciate practical jokes.
2. It was a dark and stormy night

1. caught a glimpse
2. suicidal seagulls

1. I am a large, fine cantelope.
2. 8/8/198810/10/9
3. the universe was restored to order

there are three things in life a person has to do in his life, or ...

1. reasons to be pretty
2. growing through the roof
3. Death sat alone at the end of the bar hunched over a beer

1. it'll kill him to hear that
2. why we broke up in the first place

1. snakes
2. a jinx

1. the next failure
2. daisy
3. memories triggered by a sense of smell

1. puppies again
2. tortoise shell

1. away at war
2. a paint-splattered floor
3. what I know about Texas

1. blame was bounding from person to person looking for a home
2. 1962

1. dreams that have failed
2. two vampires walk into a bar
3. a tight schedule

1. heart and hurt
2. the process of cleaning ones heart
3. he's a sorcerer by birth some say

1. Use a fairy tale starting point. Rewrite, recast, change POV.
2. bridges
3. then came the fireworks

1. oatmeal
2. the banjo
3. a real heartbreak

1. regardless of what they thought, that is mine
2. it's not recommended
3. greyhound

1. a surge of positive energy
2. cricket
3. an uncomfortable silence

1. ornery
2. under the wood pile
3. No, no, no!

1. Mr. Anderson
2. being the roadrunner

1. Louie with a cigarette in his mouth a year before he died
2. my dad's car
3. feeling singled out

1. equal parts light and dark
2. though there was conflict

1. a refreshing primal attraction
2. traveling through time
3. excuses flying all around

1. weary from thinking
2. Write about an incident that could be used against you if you ever ran for public office.
3. first state

1. torn to shreds
2. it's a muligant and it looks angry

1. Ma likes a lively saloon
2. in the woods

1. accidental death
2. a light yellow envelop sealed with a kiss

1. the bio-techno bots are unpredictable
2. oil changing

1. pomegranate
2. random act of kindness (5-minutes)

1. write a confession of an inanimate object
2. relentless ticking

1. scotch and soda
2. no sadness allowed

1. could be a point of contention
2. she smokes, she drinks, and has a filthy mouth

1. lacks sizzle
2. the planet's three moons have various quarreling settlements

1. why I hate alligators
2. nice to finally meet you

1. an empty glass
2. I could go on and on

1. flat tire
2. you do something wrong that you do not regret

1. write what you didn't say
2. linoleum

1. always tries to be liked, but now
2. applesauce mixed with cottage cheese

1. untrained animal
2. secret identity

11/22/8 (workshop)
1. checkerboard
2. good-bye

1. old cobwebs
2. cried 'til it hurt

1. trucks
2. he did this just for you

1. temptation pounced!
2. being too cold

1. a shopping cart speeding down the expressway against traffic
2. an unwelcome surprise

1. having a bad memory
2. take your time

1. a bad haircut
2. you received favor

1. being unmasked
2. salamander

1. the king of wishful thinking
2. apologies

Saturday, February 21, 2009

For the Love of Life - JohnD

Prompt: Write a confession of an inanimate object - 02/21/09

I love life. I do. So painful for me, then, not to be alive, such a horrible fate. I love humanity, too, how humans can control their surroundings. I so admire their work, which is great because I am their work. I’m a Beretta 9mm.

I am constructed beautifully: my weight and form are magnificent. So many humans are in awe of me. And yet, humans themselves forged me with materials taken right from the earth. My design is truly inspiring. How nicely I fit the human hand and how good I feel when humans hold me.

There are bullets, of course. I am designed to bring out all the power that they have hidden within. I do this quite well. I’m proud of it. I’m sorry to say that, but it’s true. I’ve always been so proud of my ability to unleash every bit of energy stored in a little bullet. Yes, when I team up with bullets, we are a force that humans hold in high regard. We are respected, but feared, too. I enjoy the respect that humans give me because I think so highly of them. I want them to respect me and like me. And some really, really like me.

I’ve been fired many times. My owner, Thomas, brings me to the firing range almost every week. He has other guns, too, but I am his favorite. I love that. I’d do anything for Thomas. I love him.

Last night, he took me out in the middle of the night. Something was wrong. He was in a panic. It was all quite unusual. I didn’t understand what was happening. It didn’t make sense. Somebody was trying to enter his house through the back door. Thomas crept carefully into the living room. He was grasping me tightly.

Suddenly the intruder was in the house. How did he get in so easily. “Halt!” Thomas yelled.

The intruder had a gun, too. Thomas raised me and pulled my trigger. I hesitated. I’d never shot a living thing before, especially a human. I love humans. It seemed like some sort of mistake. I know it’s my job to fire when my trigger is pulled, but I couldn’t do it. It would kill the intruder. And after all, he was a human being.

Then the intruder fired. His gun did not hesitate. His gun was a good soldier and did as ordered. His gun was not weak like me. His gun fired again and again. Thomas pulled my trigger again. This time I fired. He pulled again and again and I fired again and again. Bullets were flying through the air, mostly missing, but not all the bullets missed. I fell to the floor.

Now, here I lie. It’s morning, two human bodies and two guns lying on the floor. If I’d done my job right, it would only be one body and one gun, and it wouldn’t be Thomas and me. But I failed. I didn’t do my job. I love human life. That’s my excuse, my only excuse, no matter how faulty, no matter how disastrous. I’m sorry, I hope I can be forgiven.