Saturday, August 11, 2007

Spotted an old friend ... Dixie

Voices in the living room. Who's there? Cat's ears perk up. Should he leave the Perfect Sun Spot and go see? Purrr purr. Not yet. Wait a bit. Make the grand entrance. Or maybe sneak in behind the big plant. Startling people is almost as much fun as showing off the fabulous self. Purrr. Clink of tea cups means they'll be here a while. Wait. Maybe crunch a little kibble, take another nap. Cat licks some stray fur into place, fluffs himself up, finally strolls down the hall to check things out.

"Blah blah blah ... oh, look, here's Tiger. Isn't he just so beautiful?" Cat preens, then hops up on the sofa to survey his kingdom. But what's this?! Alarmed, Cat crouches and stares down at a big lump of gray under the coffee table. It moves! Cat steps back, then peers forward. Person reaches down and pats the lump.

"No, she's not doing so well ...blah blah blah." Rheumy eyes look into Cat's eyes, gray doggie tail waps the floor. Cat jumps down and slowly approaches. They touch noses, wary cat, old dog.

"Oh, look. They still know each other." Cat settles down into sphinx pose, dog sighs and flops.

"Yes, old friends."

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Dixie, I love the view I see in reading from Tiger's point. I like how they become the posers of their individual realities,tired aged dog and the proud beauty each hold, the end. Nice. I like how you easily slip into third person or animal in this case...makes it easy to go with.