Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kids of Tonga- Cyndi

Kids- kids of Tonga. Their sweet smiling faces reflecting their joy and their innocence. Innocence- growing up without TV, movies, gameboy, playstation, or computers. What do they know of violence except for occasionally playing too rough in the schoolyard? Sure, they know life and death- they see it everyday in their families and with the pigs and chickens that wander the island only to wind up as dinner. And in the sea that yields its bounty for their meals. But it is different here, and they walk around the island without any fear of others from their village.

They look at me shyly when I first arrive, their big beautiful dark eyes peeking through their extremely long lashes. “What’s your name?” they call. And when I answer and smile back, they are encouraged to come closer to the strange foreigner. Soon they are constantly at my side, following me back and forth through the village. They are not asking for material things, but rather seeking answers to their questions, wanting hugs, piggyback rides, and an audience to sing their songs to. They skip along at my side enjoying their simple childhood pleasures.

The week passes quickly. On the last evening there I slip quietly into the end spot of the pew for the church service. But I am not alone for long- for I soon see a pair of eyes peering around the edge of the bench, and then disappearing. When I see them again I gesture to the small boy to come sit next to me. I scoot over to make room for him as he plops himself down. He starts inching closer and closer to me. He stares at my watch and I show him how it lights up when you hold the button down. We giggle with delight at our shared game, careful not to laugh too loudly. I try to concentrate and pay attention to the service but I notice him pulling strands out of the grass skirt of the woman sitting in front of us. “ No, No” I shake my head at him. But he is beaming because he has caught my attention yet again.

Smiling, laughing, happy kids, despite their poverty by our standards. You’ve touched my heart! So beautiful, so unforgettable! Kids of Tonga.
Prompt- pictures of kids from mission trip to Tonga 8/11/07

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