Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why We Broke up in the First Place 9/19/09 / Melinda Jean

Why we broke up in the first place
Second place
And third
Home base and he’s out.

It seems chilly in the before thought of breaking up.
Chiller still after. The silent absence weighted like a bottomless pit.
Topless, I can imagine her boobs saying desperately, reaching for home plate. Yet the referee shouts “out,” it’s too late, too late.

For the guy it’s some image you don’t quite match.
For the woman, the loss is the consistency, and she’ll notice it missing.
The elevator going up but there is no floor.
The stakes get higher, rising
Each floor more baggage is added.
And then it’s like a stroke.
That irregular cut off that effects the existence of the relationship itself.
Some strokes you survive, others
Well, it’s the reason you broke up in the first place.

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