Sunday, March 22, 2009

pomegranate - Dixie

The pomegranate hit the picnic table hard, bounced sideways, and rolled to the ground.

"Shoot!" said Jody, reaching down and picking up the intact fruit.

"Anybody got a hammer?" asked Nick.

"I've got my chem book," offered Noah.

"Cool," said Nick, "go for it."

Jody put the pomegranate in the center of the picnic table and they all stood back as Noah dug the huge and weighty organic chemistry book out of his backpack.

"One...," Nick started a chant, "two..." the others joined in, "three!" they yelled together as the chem book descended.

The pomegranate stared at them, hurt or serene, it was hard to tell.

"Dang," marveled Jackson.

"A watermelon is easier to open than this," said Jody.

"Somebody should have brought a knife," said Jackson.

"Or a jackhammer," Nick laughed. He grabbed the pomegranate and started juggling it with an apple.

"Who brought this thing anyway?" Noah asked as he examined the dent in his chemistry book. They all looked around the group waiting for someone to cop to bringing a pomegranate. Finally, they focused on Sarah who was known to contribute weird food to these picnics.

"Not me," Sarah raised her hands in denial, "although I might have if I'd thought of it."

"Who's ever heard of a pomegranate anyway?" asked Jackson. "Does it grow on trees?"

"Got me," said Nick. He dropped back like a quarterback and lobbed the pomegranate at Noah, who, not being ready, let it hit him in the chest and fall to the ground. Jody picked up the pomegranate, noticed a tear in the skin.

"Oh, look," she said as she gently peeled the skin back. They all gathered around and watched as the glowing red jewels were revealed.

"Wow," Noah whispered.

Persephone chuckled from the branches overhead.

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