Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bird Flu

“You don’t look too good”, my buddy says to me as he flies past. We are circling the park yet again. Now the leader is changing directions. We turn and go the other way. Moving together- rising, gliding, flapping harder to lift higher into the air. It was true. I did feel a little under the weather. But that was just it, this crazy weather kept changing. One day it was hot and the next could be so cold that I felt like my tail feathers would freeze right off! But what choice did I have? There is no such thing as calling in sick for a bird. So here I am with the rest of the flock.

The sun had recently made its way above the horizon, slowly spreading its light to the awakening world. The soft colors tinted the morning clouds. We flew together as one- one body, one accord. Then we landed in the uppermost branches of the tall redwoods that were on the perimeter of the park. What a vantage point this was! What a view! We could watch the slumbering neighborhood come to life. Of course the joggers were always out early, and those with not quite so much energy were doing their walking laps. And there is the Chinese exercise group- what's that called again? Oh yeah, Tai Chi. Here comes the whole parade of dog walkers with those crazy mutts pulling at their leashes, watching for squirrels to chase. Has any dog ever caught one? The kids are coming too, with their heavy book laden backpacks weighing them down on their way to another day of education. Most of them don’t look too enthusiastic, though. Poor teachers, what a job they have! Oh look, there’s even a couple on their way to the tennis courts for an early game. How can they play next to the distracting sound of the crossing guard’s whistle blowing every few seconds?

I usually enjoy watching this scene unfold before me every day. But today I feel a little off. Sitting way up here I actually begin to feel slightly dizzy. What an odd sensation! What could be the matter with me? Hope I didn’t eat a bad worm or something. Uh oh, the leader is looking to take flight again. I want to follow. My whole being longs to soar through the air and be a part of this flock. But my body is resisting. I just can’t do it.

“Hey”, I say to my friend. “I’m heading home. I think I have the flu.”

Prompt: Bird Flu 10/6/07

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