Monday, October 8, 2007

Bird Flu - Maya

"Hey, listen to this." She elbowed her friend studying at the table beside her.
" 'It could happen anytime. Tornado. Earthquake. Armageddon.' "
Her friend gave her "the look" - the "why are you bothering me with this crap" eyeball-rolling look.
"No, it really gets to me, this stuff."
"It's like, so what?" her friend replied.
"But it's so true! We're, like, I don't know, all victims of life. This guy, this poet .... what's his name? William Stafford. He really understands. Whoops. Understood. He's dead."
"Aren't they all? That's why they call them 'dead white males.'"
"No, I like this guy. It's like, he understood exactly how I feel sometimes."
"You mean you sit around worrying that a tornado's gonna get you, or lightning strike, or you're going to fall into a hole in the ground when the big one hits? Not me! I refuse to live that way."
"But don't you feel like that, at least sometimes? Like our parents made a bad world even worse, and now we're going to inherit it."
"I just don't let it get to me."
"How? Every day the news is full of some disaster - global warming, bird flu, mad cow disease, you name it."
"Look. It doesn't get you anywhere worrying about birds dying. Stop eating chicken if you're that scared. You'd be better off as a vegetarian anyway."
"Yeah, right. You and I both know that the vegetarians we hang out with eat worse than anybody. Potato chips, cokes and cigarettes aren't exactly a healthy diet. Vegetarianism just allows you to act superior because meat doesn't touch your lips."
"All I'm saying is that I think you either need to ignore all that shit or go do something about it. Join or...what's it called? Greenpeace?"
"Yeah, I probably should. Maybe it would help."
"I can't believe you sit around worrying about fucking bird flu."
"You're probably right. This guy, though, this poet Stafford - he wasn't talking so much about the man-made stuff. More like natural disasters. Stuff you can't do anything about. And they COULD happen any time."
"You just said it yourself - you can't do anything about it - so get over yourself! Study something else for a while, would you? I have work to do, and those guys at the next table are giving us dirty looks for talking so much."
She looked over and sure enough the people at the next table were glaring at her. She slumped down further on her hard chair, picking up her book and thinking - okay, so how do you not worry when you're already worried? And why is it that some people worry and others don't? She twirled the ends of her shoulder-length hair in her fingers, a nervous habit started when she was little.
- How are you supposed to deal with this crap? - she wondered. She had a whole lot of life ahead of her and she didn't want to live it like this. At least, she hoped she had a whole lot of life ahead. Unless tornados, or earthquakes, or bird flu came first. It could happen.

Prompt: Bird Flu, 10/6/07

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