Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hat Instead of That

Prompt: Hat Instead of That 02/11/12

Joey received a cowboy hat.
Now, a cowboy hat is the best of hats,
But Peter received a cowboy gun,
Which seemed to be a lot more fun.

Joey said, “I don’t want a cowboy hat.
No, no, I want that; I need that.”
He pointed to the gun in Peter’s hand.
Their uncle nodded and said, “I understand.

“But I got you a hat instead of that,”
He gave Joey’s back a gentle pat.
“No, I want that, and I want it now.”
Joey said with a furrowed brow.

“Fine” said Peter, “take the gun.
A cowboy hat is a lot more fun.”
He took the hat, and spun it round,
rolled it down his leg to the ground,

Caught it with his foot, kicked it into the air,
And flipped it on to his head, without a care.
Joey watched with great surprise:
A wounded look and jealous eyes.

“But, that’s my hat; I want that.”
Peter laughed, and gave it back.